Single Arduino PCB Board for Multiple Functions

Arshmah Shahkar

Those who are doing projects on Arduino know that if you try to connect multiple components to the Arduino, it will not work efficiently with all components at a time with either 5V or 9V regulator. You have to do it turn by turn otherwise you will not get accurate results. 

The All-In-One Arduino board is designed to provide the facility to the users of doing multiple projects at a time with efficiency. With this Arduino board, a user can easily connect more than 2 or 3 loads or components at a time, for instance, multiple stepper, DC, and servo motors, multiple communication devices, and displays.

Design files:

I have designed this PCB board using Altium. I have uploaded the PCB and schematic files online on Inventhub where anyone can visually view or download the files and can implement my design. 


For the process of fabrication, I have created a new release with the latest design files and any manufacturer can download them directly from Inventhub in ZIP file format to avoid any errors.

Bill of Materials:

My Bill of Materials contains the details of each component including footprint, library reference, and quantity. I will contact my component provider who will get my BOM file in the form of an excel sheet, he will only download that file and deliver my components with exact parameters.

Detailed instructions and guidelines can be found on this link:

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